Bringing you the best talent for your staffing needs

We’re ready to quickly fill your positions with qualified candidates.

Our Areas of Expertise

Accounting & Finance

Administrative & Office

Customer Service

Engineering & Manufacturing

Human Resources

Operational Leadership

Supply Chain/Logistics

Several of Northeast Ohio’s largest companies have entrusted our team at Tidewater to fill in their workforce gaps to keep their projects and goals moving forward.

We understand the ebb and flow of staffing needs within large organizations

Image two people consulting on business operations.

Direct Hire

If you need permanent employees but don’t have the capabilities to support the entire search process, from sourcing to interviewing to onboarding and post-hire - let us help you.

Tidewater spends the time upfront, during placement, and after, to serve our clients in a more personal manner.

Interim Staffing

Our clients rely on us to fill interim staffing positions using our talented pool of skilled professionals.

Our candidates are ready and capable when you need a reliable professional for a specific project or to fill a temporary vacancy.

Solutions for Companies

We believe the best way to place the right talent is to:

Truly understand the culture, objectives, and personalities of the organization they will be working with.

We seek to develop deep relationships with our clients, which establishes trust and a better ability to meet your needs.

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