Staffing Cleveland, Akron, and greater Northeast Ohio


Northeast Ohio Owned & Operated


Tidewater Staffing Solutions is a staffing agency that works with any industry in need of C-suite and office professionals.

Accounting & Finance

Administrative & Office

Customer Service

Engineering & Manufacturing

Human Resources

Operational Leadership

Supply Chain/Logistics

Proud to be a supporting sponsor of Women in Manufacturing Ohio

Staffing Solutions for Cleveland & Akron Companies

We believe the best way to place the right talent is to:

Truly understand the culture, objectives, and personalities of the organization they will be working with.

We seek to develop deep relationships with our clients, which establishes trust and a better ability to meet your needs.

While other large-scale staffing agencies offer transactional relationships, Tidewater spends the time upfront, during placement, and after, to serve our clients in a more personal manner.

Opportunities for Candidates

Here’s what Tidewater offers:

The same investments in relationship building we bring to our clients is the hallmark of our partnerships with candidates.

While it sounds simple, treating our candidates with the respect, professional courtesy, and empathy is what has made us successful.

As we understand your expectations we will be transparent about our ability to meet those expectations and seek to build a long-term relationship based on trust.

Latest News & Articles


Interested in working together or learning more?
Send us a message and we’ll be in touch soon!